While some may consider the development of special strengths (Maximal Strength and Strength Endurance) as SPP, as the athlete is just building their base, this phase continues and marks the conclusion of the General Preparatory Period. Phase 2 focuses on building a general strength base. Strength is very important in performance training for a number of reasons.
- It helps improve power absorption
- Without proper strength, we cannot train optimal power production. The athlete is simply too weak to maximize power output.
We continue our work in the GPP warm up. We may, however include some more advanced movements such as:
Forward Burpees
Forward Sprinter 1 Leg Jumps
Backward Sprinter 1 Leg Jumps
After the GPP warm up, we progress to a specific warm up that is essentially the main exercises performed at a sub maximal level.
The main workout is constructed of Strength and Strength endurance work
The general Templates are as follows
This first one is performed with the first two exercises done heavy for 1-5 reps (An-1) and the last two movements are done lighter for 8-15 reps (An-2L)
Max effort lower body day (squat, dead lift)
1. Hamstrings
2. Lower back
3. Abs
Max effort upper body (bench press)
1. Triceps
2. Delts
3. Lats
The second template follows includes a strength day and a strength endurance day. On the strength day the evercises are all performed in the An-1 bracket (1-5reps), while the strength endurance day is performed in the An-2 bracket (6-20 reps).
Max effort lower body day (squat, dead lift)
1. Hamstrings
2. Lower back
3. Abs
Max effort upper body (bench press)
1. Triceps
2. Delts
3. Lats
Strength Endurance lower body (squat, dead lift)
1. Hamstrings
2. Lower back
3. Abs
Strength Endurance upper body (bench press)
1. Triceps
2. Delts
3. Lats
We use a variety of methods that include:
Dynamic Minimization
Oscillatory Isometrics
Slow Eccentrics
Some of the focus lifts include:
Maximal Strength
Bench "Strain" | | PIM Bench |
Isometric Bench | Iso-Miometric Bench | Isometric Oly-Dead |
Miometric Glut-Ham | Miometric Bench | MIO Bench-Curl |
MIO Choke-Press | MIO Oly-Dead | OLP Bench Press |
OLP Squat | PIM Pull-up | PLIO Bench |
PLIO Glut-Ham | PLIO Single-Leg GH | PLIO Sternum Chin-up |
Strength Endurance
MIO Glut-Ham | OI Cambered Bench | MIO Choke Press |
PIM Bench | Forward H-T BB Walk | H-Ad Squat |
IPM Curls | ISO CL HF Squats | ISO Bench |
ISO Oly-Dead | ISO-PIM-Alt Front Raise | ISO-PIM BB Raise |
PIM Lateral BB Walks | MIO Oly-Dead | OI SL RBR |
OI CL Abs | OI Elbow Extensions | OI HF Abs |
OI HF Squat | OI Off-Set Abs | PIM Pro-Sup Ext's |
MIO Bench | MIO Bench-Curl | MIO Choke Press |
MIO Glut-Ham | | |
A sample Program split including methods would be
Block 1
(1) Session 1: Heavy Eccentrics (N x 5-9 seconds. Control as much weight as possible with a soft touch down to support pins/apparatus.)
(2) Session 2: Iso-Miometrics (N x 6-10 reps. 3 second iso-pause between each positive contraction. Emphasis on acceleration out of pause- EXPLODE!)
Block 2
(1) Session 1: Max Miometrics (N x 1 rep. Bar lifted from rested position at mid-point of movement. Stress the reduction of time between when you begin to apply force to the bar and when the bar actually begins to move! BLAST it up!)
(2) Session2: Oscillatory-Isometrics (N x 25-40 seconds. Focus on achieving as much tension as possible before you strive for as much relaxation as possible. Rebound action should come with minimal effort. Flex…release…spring!)
Program Guidelines: (Alternate from Block 1 to Block 2 every week for 4-6 weeks)
After the main workout, we train restorative CJC and PAP in an isometric hold circuit.
Upper Body:
Chest CJC
Pull Up PAP
Rear Delt PAP
Lower Body
Hamstring CJC
1 Leg Squat CJC
Oblique PAP
Once sufficient strength is developed, the athlete progresses to Phase 3 Speed-strength, Speed-Endurance, Strength-Speed. Sufficient strength is developed when 31% of Appropriated Weight in the squat and bench press falls in the positive digits, preferably greater than 45lbs. We also want the athlete to be able to complete 16 min of continuous Non Weighted GPP
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