Thursday, September 23, 2004

APPENDIX A: Top 4 Problems in Training

APPENDIX A: Top 4 Problems in Training

  1. Hip Extension
    1. ISO or RA/REA Glute-Ham raises
    2. ISO or RA/REA Reverse Hypers
    3. RA/REA/ADA Split Squats
    4. Stiff Leg Sprints / Prime Times
  2. Poor Plantar Flexion Strength
    1. ISO Calf Raise in CJC and PAP
    2. Squat on Toes
    3. Barbell Walk on Toes
    4. Jumps, Agility Ladders, RFI work, Stiff Leg Drops with Dynamic Minimization
  3. Power at Toe Off
    1. balanced proportion of squats to jumps in your program
    2. replacement of squats with ISO squats, ISO single leg squats and OI HF Squats
    3. Reactive squats and reactive split squats


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